Virtual Tipping

From the choreography, to the costumes, and the training that goes into what we do, live performance takes a lot of time and monetary investment.

Thank you for your financial friendship and appreciation!

Please use the Venmo links below to tip your performers.

Act I

 Joy! @aresha-bagheri

HazyBoy @hayes-smith-3

Mistress Meow @cat-garcia-5

Olivia Rene @alyssa-blessing

Betty XO @bettyxo

Lark @larkpdx

Nina Noir and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star @conradng

Act II

Nell Bent @nellbent

Slinky D @slinkyad

Aurora @mapleinthewoods

Sydney @sydneymccarthy8

Super Laura @laura-trefethen

Sara James @SaraSJames

Asteria Atombomb @asteriaatombomb


Temperance @brenna-treese

Chas @chas-savella

Calypso @calypsothedivine

Wendy @wendy-rust

Exotickat Paypal

Melodie @melodie3994